Cloud-based backup vs External Hard Disk Backup - Which Backup Solution is Better?

June 10, 2022


Data loss is a nightmare for any individual or business. With the increasing digitalization, every day, backup solutions are becoming a necessity. And while selecting a backup solution, one finds themselves caught between choosing cloud-based backup or external hard disk backup. Both the solutions have their own pros and cons. So, which one is better? Today, we will compare both solutions and give you an informed opinion.

Cloud Backup

Cloud backup refers to storing your data on a remote server maintained by a service provider. Cloud backup offers users an efficient backup solution as they can access their data from any location that offers internet access.

Pros of Cloud Backup

  1. Remote Access: As mentioned earlier, the user can access their data from any location.
  2. Easy-to-use: Most cloud backup solutions offer an easy-to-use interface, making it user-friendly.
  3. Scalability: It is easy to scale cloud-based storage as per the user's requirement.

Cons of Cloud Backup

  1. Dependency on Network Availability: Cloud-based backup solutions depend on internet connectivity. So, if the user does not have access to the internet, they will not be able to access their data.
  2. Subscription-based: Most service providers charge a subscription fee, and the cost increases with the amount of storage required.

External Hard Disk Backup

External hard disk backup refers to storing data on an external hard disk. The user needs to connect the external hard disk to their device every time they want to backup their data.

Pros of External Hard Disk Backup

  1. No Dependency on Network: As external hard drives do not require internet connectivity, data can be retrieved regardless of the location.
  2. One-time Investment: External hard disk backup is a one-time investment, and the user does not have to pay any subscription fees like cloud backup.
  3. Backup Multiple Devices: Multiple devices can be backed up to a single external hard disk.

Cons of External Hard Disk Backup

  1. Physical Damage: An external hard disk can get damaged due to accidental drops or power surges.
  2. Only Works with Connected Devices: External hard disk backup only works with devices that users connect.

Which Backup Solution is Better?

Both cloud-based and external hard disk backups have their own advantages and disadvantages. Choosing one over the other also depends on the user's specific needs.

Cloud-based backup may work best for users who need to access their data from any location, and for those who require larger storage space. On the other hand, external hard disk backups work best for users who do not have a stable network connection or users who require a one-time investment.


Regarding which backup solution is better, we cannot provide a single definitive answer. As mentioned earlier, both cloud-based backup and external hard disk backup have their own advantages and disadvantages. So, it is essential to choose the backup solution that best suits your specific requirements.

We hope our comparison of cloud-based backup versus external hard disk backup helps you make an informed decision.


  1. The Pros and Cons of External Hard Drive for Backup
  2. What Are the Pros and Cons of Cloud Backup Services?
  3. Backblaze Cloud Backup
  4. Best cloud storage services for 2022

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